Sunday, September 22, 2013


It reverberates in my conscience
the aroma of your being
Even if the distances are a few thousand kilometers
My love has not lost it's sheen

I still wonders at the capacity of my heart
to keep you deeply instilled in my thoughts
and the impulsive acute cry of pain,
even if I am very sure you are not lost

You'll return, I know,
you'll not retain your happiness in my distress
but these moments of longing that I feel
make me believe you'd always be my soul's mistress!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I saw in the mirror
a disheveled human cast
barely recognizable
for it was clinging onto it's past

I humored myself
at what I appeared to be
there was a deep calm within my heart
even as I looked at the caricature
of reining calamity

but when deeper did I go
into my own cleaved shape
I saw lost amongst the light
my belonging to the darker shade

Yes! There was a streak
of burning of my grievous heart
My mind could deceive me
but the mirror played it's part
Why did you go?
Is this the reason for which you cleaved my life?
That oft in the anguish of my soul
Beautiful poems takes respite

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Ascend beyond the fall

"I looked insane, wide eyed
at every form passing on the sea shore
subliming from within my caricature were realities
Imaginations were up there on the fore

I was wondering if they shared the same eyes with you
if the same fate their destiny was to sew
I was oblivious of your absence in the hearth of my heart
You were there! were you not, as always.

I tear trickled down my cheek, 
As I rolled over to search for the peak
of my life, which could hand over a temporary respite
From this vantage point whose motive was to give me strife.

But then no image, would be formed,
when your heart is weighted with the burden of forlorn
and your muscles, your tendons it would cleave
and the pain in the bones of body it would aggrieve

And maybe then, you'd have nothing to lose
Your body, your soul would have given up it's use
that you rise out of the ashes of your own past
and look forward to those eyes, still long for them in the magnificent vast

That's when I could smile,
when this realization shot across the bow of my tumultuous mind
and I could feel the energy of divinity again within me
for I had managed to find myself in this sea of serendipity.

I have risen again and again
spiraling my way, through this game of life which appears to be insane
And cyclic my ascend I know seems to be
but isn't that the price that people pay for challenging their destiny?

And ascend I would
may life contrive however precisely it could
Not a part of me would give in, to this deadly maul
It may take away all that I have, it's my spirit that shall not fall."